Once Upon A Time….

Once... Once upon a time, there was an orphan princess. She was a prisoner in a dark tower. After much cunning and bravery, she escaped and was rescued. Once upon a time, there was a broken knight who defended the helpless at great cost. He stood when many fled and was changed. Once there was … Continue reading Once Upon A Time….

An Open Apology to Jim Butcher

I didn't know where else to put this, but it's my blog and as Eric Cartman says, "I'll do what I want!" This is a great story for authors and a peak behind the author curtain for readers. Ever have one of those heart-drop-into-tummy moments when you realize, "Oh poop... this changes everything"? That was … Continue reading An Open Apology to Jim Butcher

Donald Trump is the Best Thing to Happen to Authors

But before we get into that, an uplifting moment. We've had unusually good weather the past week here in Maryland, and I've tried to take advantage of morning/evening walks when I could. This is a delightfully comfortable evening stroll in our neck of the woods. Great opportunity to decompress from the day and try to … Continue reading Donald Trump is the Best Thing to Happen to Authors

A Boy and His Dragon: Inspiration in Florida and the Author Mindset by Steven Pressfield

I've been a bad kid. Kind of. We ended up executing a slight change of plans last week that turned a family visit into more of a holiday, taking advantage of several opportunities that fell into our laps. As such, I did what every diligent writer does: take a break! During our stay in Orlando, … Continue reading A Boy and His Dragon: Inspiration in Florida and the Author Mindset by Steven Pressfield

Author at Play: Unplugging from the Machine & a 2nd Draft Update

While I have a general plan that keeps me tracking on my writing projects, sometimes the story just pulls you along. Steven Pressfield would probably call that The Muse. Many call it 'flow'. For me it was just joy. I have three major tasks set before me this season with Thorium Publishing: mature and grow … Continue reading Author at Play: Unplugging from the Machine & a 2nd Draft Update